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Titel (deu)

THE LIMBLESS OCTOPUS - EIN COMIC BOOK - Anti-heldinnen in Comics und Graphic Novels - Der Einfluss von Geschlechterrollen und paternalistischen Machtstrukturen


Pooneh Eftekhariyekta

Beschreibung (eng)

Masterarbeit, 2021, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International Abstract We all like superheroes. We wish we could be them. Perfect characters who fight for peace and take care of their societies and its shortcomings. They are the best version of us. And superheroines, what a beautiful dream they represent in a patriarchal society. Pretty, powerful, sexy and attractive. They don’t go beyond the image that we have of a woman. They are exactly what we want a woman to be. Maybe just a bit more powerful and a little bit better. as superheroines, they should embody the values of the society they are protecting, that means they embody the status quo and confirm its stereotypes. They are being seen through the lens of paternalism. They’re being depicted how the patriarchy wants to see them. It’s made sure that they’re brave but kind, brave but maternal, brave but slim, brave but gorgeous. I would like to take a closer look at the concept of superheroines and Anti-Heroines. How seeing them through the lens of patriarchy could change their roles and characteristics and how it is to be a Superhero in a different culture with a different status quo.

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